• 藍牙條碼掃描器橋接無線USB Keyboard
• 藍牙條碼掃描器距離加強(無線延長)
• Bluetooth Barcode Scanner to USB HID Bridge
• Bluetooth SPP to USB HID Bridge
• Extended Range Bluetooth Barcode Scanner
• Bluetooth Long range Bridge
• Bluetooth SPP 轉 HID
• Series Port Profile (Bluetooth SPP)


Bluetooth Barcode Scanner to USB Wireless Bridge Server

Bluetooth Barcode Scanner Extended Range

藍牙條碼掃描器無線橋接轉 USB HID Keyboard , 就是將收到的ASCII字元轉成標準的HID鍵盤格式, 由USB界面輸出.


Wireless Serial Server 串列設備伺服器 架構組成:

Client 端: HL-WD09P-C-BT-SPP 與藍牙條碼掃描器配對連線

Server 端: HL-WD09P-S-HID 將資料經由USB 輸出, 轉換成標準的HID鍵盤格式.